by Bram | Oct 12, 2020 | Blog, Home Assistant, Homeautomation, Linux, Raspberry Pi
How to upgrade Python venv to 3.8.6 If you are running Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi with Python and manually installed it, you prob are running it in a Virtual Environment (venv) like me. Now with the release of HomeAssistant 0.116.0, there is a notification that...
by Bram | Jan 3, 2020 | Blog, Linux, Raspberry Pi
Prepare your RPI 3 First you have to tell the RPI firmware to boot from USB, this feature is disabled and has to be enabled once per raspberry pi. You can do this from SSH by running the following command: echo program_usb_boot_mode=1 | sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt...
by Bram | Jan 3, 2020 | Blog, Homeautomation, Linux
Since LetsEncrypt doesnt support renewal of port 443 you can use the DNS-Challenge if you are not allowed or able to use Port 80. The renew function is not working, however if you own the DNS zone and can edit it is pretty easy to create a new certificate and use a...
by Bram | Oct 24, 2019 | Blog
Aangezien ik helaas veel problemen had met mijn KPN Experia Box v10a heb ik besloten om een MikroTik RB4011 aan te schaffen en de Experia Box de deur uit te doen. Het heeft me helaas wel wat tijd gekost dit goed aan de praat te krijgen, voor het Routed IPTV stuk...
by Bram | Jun 7, 2019 | Blog, Home Assistant, Homeautomation, Raspberry Pi
How to upgrade Python venv from 3.5 to 3.7.3 If you are running Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi with Python and manually installed it, you prob are running it in a Virtual Environment (venv) like me. Now with the release of HomeAssistant 0.94, there is a notification...