As a fan of kickstarter projects and beers I came accross the BOx (Bottle Opener X). This is, as told by the developers, the world’s first smart bottle opener.
As a tech guy this sounds interesting so I decided to back this project.
15 november 2016, the day I received my BOx! The item was send in an enveloppe, when the mail man (or woman) dropped it off it was a little damaged during the travel from Swiss to The Netherlands. After opening i did receive a great looking box that included the opener. Some things i noticed directly:
- Box with the opener looks really good
- While opening I did hear some noise from the box, so i got a bit affraid, was it damaged already?! Nope it was not, it was the torque that comes with it to open the BOx itself so you can replace the AAA battery *pfew*
- The bottle opener itself looks really good and seems like it is from good quality
- The LED (red) light, what also is a button, feels a bit cheap so i’m wondering how many bottles i can open, but we will see (after 1 day i’m at 5 bottles)
- Opening bottles is really easy with the opener! It works like a charm!
The Setup with the App on iOS
After unpacking you will have to setup the opener so it can send data to your mobile phone (Android and iOS). First download the app for you mobile phone. After that just follow the setup instructions provided by the app. In case of iOS, first connect your WiFi to the Box SSID and then start the App. There seems to be an issue that you can not go to the wifi settings from within the app. After connection you can open up your bottle!
Some things that need to be fixed
I noticed some issues with the app / openers connection, so these tips might come in handy!
- The app doesnt refresh your amount of bottles very well, close the app completely and restart the app, it will now show the proper amount of bottles opened.
- Don’t hold the small button for over 7 – 8 seconds, while i was talking with some friends and trying to open a bottle it didn’t get counted. This was because i did hold the opener and button down for over 7 or 8 seconds. This puts the Opener in Discover mode and you can reconnect with wifi to the SSID of the opener itself.
If this happens the led will turn red for 7 minutes! So wait while opening a new bottle or take the battery out and put it back, your wifi settings will be saved
Now lets wait for the first major update of the app and the new firmware to fix both things above. At least i was told by BOx both issues will be fixed in the new upcoming release.