As I’m a fan of new tech stuff I also have several Raspberry Pi’s in my home. One offcourse as mediacenter, but also I have one that is acting as FTP box for backups and my Private Cloud on my 100/100 home fiber connection. This Pi is running also Cacti and as the Raspberry Pi has an internal temperature sensor I was interested in showing this on my Cacti installation.
I followd this great tutorial on howto read the temp and output it. Check it out at:
But before i got to setting this up i had some issues with SNMP. My snmpwalk for testing showed a lot of errors:
Cannot adopt OID in UCD-SNMP-MIB
To fix this you can simply run the following command:
sudo apt-get install snmp-mibs-downloader
This will download the missing MIBs and apply them into your system. With the next SNMPWALK a lot of errors where gone, and the SH script for reading my Raspberry Internal Temperature was showing its correct value output, something like: Temp:40.1