As a fan of kickstarter projects and beers I came accross the BOx (Bottle Opener X). This is, as told by the developers, the world's first smart bottle opener. As a tech guy this sounds interesting so I decided to back this project. Finally! 15 november 2016, the day...
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Mobile Articles
IFTTT vs Stringify
As i have equipped my home with some Hue lights, a NetAtmo and a few Raspberry Pi's I came accross IFTTT like a year ago. This made it really easy to connect stuff and do things based on some IF statement. Like IF it starts to rain change my Hue light bulb to blue....
Disable Telephone number link on iPhone/Android
This evening I was updating a website for a customer and noticed on my iPad and iPhone that Tel: +31 (0)123 456 789 numbers got a different color instead of the color i submitted in the CSS code. As i didnt do any CSS on the element i started searching and found out...
The Blackphone arrived!
On june 30th SGP started shipping the Blackphone to its customers. Due to some appointments out of the office i had to wait till monday 7-7-2014 before i could unpack the Blackphone. Now after 1 day working with the phone i can give some more information about it. The...